424 Hill Rd, Houston, TX 77037


424 Hill Road, Houston, TX 77037


Full Service Chrome Plating and Polishing

Custom Polish and Chrome Plating in Houston, Texas offers chrome, copper, nickel and gold electroplating for classic car and automotive parts, industrial equipment, antique restoration and any metal coating or resurfacing projects. All plating and polishing is done at our shop, we never send your piece off to another shop for work,

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About the Process

Chrome plating is a process with methods that vary depending on the base metal,  Custom Polish Chrome Plating electroplates chromium, nickel, copper or gold onto the metal piece that is being plated. The basic electroplating process involves dissolving metal with a chemical solution, then running an electric current through the solution, which extracts the dissolved metal ions out of the solution and onto the part being  plated. The parts are hung on  hooks or racks and are dropp[ed into the plating tanks. The tanks vary in size from contain various solutions consisting of acids, bases, metals, organic chemicals, as well as water. An electric current runs through the anodes, passes through the various solutions in the process, and deposits metal on the part being plated.  Then you end up with the desired finish


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Contact us

281-787-6230 info@custompolishchromeplating.com

424 Hill Rd, Houston, TX 77037
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